JBPromotions is proud to introduce you to local Cambridge jazz musicians & Raven as our professional Tarot card reader. Divination will be available throughout the night giving you a chance to take a peek into the future whilst listening to local jazz musicians to calm the mind and excite the soul. Tues 28 March 7-10pm Our event will be held at the Castle bar in the heart of Cambridge. Tickets £5 in advance | £6 on the door Get yours here: http://www.wegottickets.com/event/393146
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![]() I just returned from a week on the island of O'ahu. Much of my spiritual practice is rooted in Hawaiian spirituality and I was excited to step foot on sacred land. It was everything I could have hoped for and more. The warm tropical wind and soothing sound of crashing waves was exactly what my soul needed. I was fortunate to be in Ko Olina on the night of the full Moon. I waded out into the waters of the sheltered beach. I had it all to myself. I stood in the ocean as the waves lapped against my skin and the light of the Moon reflected on the water. I cast my sacred space, made my intentions and blew Luna a kiss. 1/20/2017 2 Comments Equation for Disappointment![]() I'm a Life Coach and Tarot Reader. One thing they have in common is people come to me for clarity on life matters. So how do you get clear? By digging deep baby. So roll up your sleeves and grab a shovel. Transformation requires work. Much of that work requires diving into self-awareness. Projecting is a term used in Psychology and a common human practice. It shows up in everyday thoughts and conversations. So how do we tackle it? One of the first things I ask is that you start observing your speech and thoughts. How much of that inner dialogue is rooted in factual information vs. speculation? A common example of projecting is to create stories about a person or situation that is a mirror reflection of your own inner feelings and emotions. For instance "I'm not going to call because they are obviously freaking out and don't want anything to do with me". A little exploration can lead to the discovery that it is actually you that is a bit freaked out. Another example goes a bit like this: "I can't believe him! I'm so hurt, frustrated and angry he didn't even ask me about my day! I thought he was my friend and cared about me! I asked how his day was." I call this baiting. You ask or say things with the expectation the other person will pick up on the cue and respond the way you want. Clear speech and intent are key to getting what you want out of life. I developed a tool I call the Disappointment Equation: Expectation + Poor/non Communication = Disappointment If a person does not know what you need, want or desire, how can they meet that expectation? When the equation is enacted repetitively, disappointment starts transforming into resentment. Resentment is a cancer and silent killer that erodes a relationship right out from under you. Valentine's Day: A classic Disappointment Equation. V-Day is fraught with expectations. Single folks feel the pressure to be with someone. Partners feel the pressure to perform various acts of romantic gestures (Sometimes outside their normal comfort zone). While their other halves are wringing hands waiting for those gestures to show up in the form of flowers, gifts, dinners, romance and the promise of some action between the sheets. The trappings and ultimate validation for that small insecure voice that needs to know "I Am Loved" I have supplied my shoulder to countless friends, co-workers and clients who were the casualties of the post V-Day Disappointment Equation. From single friends professing Valentine's Day a sham to the partner who said "They didn't plan anything!" When I was in my 20's I watched the procession of countless plush animals with "I Love You" embroidered on their little tums and bouquet upon bouquet of flowers arrive at work. With each new delivery I could see the desperate and anxious hope reflected in my co-workers faces as they watch the receptionist appear with the latest delivery. I felt the collective pang of disappointment when she delivered it to someone else's cubicle. I recognised it because I was one of them. I felt my shoulders slump slightly and plastered on a smile that didn't reach my eyes. I had a choice. Stew, get mad, hurt, resentful and adopt punishing behaviour or talk it out with my boyfriend when I got home. I was working in an ad agency and it was very competitive. I had to look at my own need for validation. He didn't love me less because a dozen long stem red roses didn't turn up at work. I had to look my insecure self in the eye and ask her why she needed so desperately to show those judgemental folks that she was loved. It wasn't about him. It was about me. Part of myself wanted to hang it all on his shoulders. Boy did it! Instead I took a breath and looked at the tools I had in my spiritual arsenal. I took myself aside and invited observation and questions of my inner landscape. Was I still feeling disappointed and hurt? Hell YES! but I now knew where to place that information. And it was squarely on MY shoulders. What holds you back from what you want? How many of you hold expectations without truly communicating them? Do you ask for what you want? Do you swallow your voice and internalise it? Start observing your expectations and how you do/don't communicate them. Are you seeing resentment beginning to fester, engaging in gossip and catching yourself putting people down? Time to take a look in the mirror and seek out the hidden emotional undercurrent seeking to drag you under. As a magic worker and seeker on a spiritual path "Know Thyself" is the first step. Self-awareness is a foundation to any spiritual work. You truly have the power to change your world. 12/20/2016 3 Comments Winter Solstice
Dance back the light
Call forth the Sun The wheel turns....
BURNING WHEEL: dancer ANNA OMELYANTSEVA music & voice PETR DMITRIEV camera VADIM STEIN Egor Talikov — flute Denis Kucherov — tabla Stepa Matuzenko — bass Denis Davidov — synth www.kalander.info www.facebook.com/anna.whirling www.braidart.info
![]() The hot Santa Ana winds make some folks restless but I always revel in them. There is something sensual about the caress of the hot wind on bare skin while the moon is shining on what should be a chilly winter night. LA always seems more vibrant and mysterious when the Santa Anas blow. It’s like secrets from another place are carried on the winds and howl “Come dance with me..” And I reply “Yes!” It just so happens I have a destination in mind and it is just the right setting for my mood. I was slated to belly dance and read Tarot at Babouch. The restaurant is always like stepping through a portal and walking into a celebration tent in Morocco. A perfect exotic companion for the hot, dry desert-like winds. The place was packed. I guess I wasn’t the only one eager to be out of the house tonight. I grab my Tarot cards and find my way to a table of seven and pull up a seat. Once again I have one person in the group who is not thrilled with the idea. In fact she is anything but. She sits to my immediate left (much to her horror). If she wasn’t wedged between me and her friends I think she would bolt for the door. For her, Tarot was the “Work of the Devil” and I was his minion incarnate. After a brief chat and some reassurance that I’m not going to sprout horns, we reach a neutral place of “agree to disagree.” I proceed with the readings for her friends. Our truce dissolved the moment the Devil card landed in the spread of the first reading. The next five readings were accompanied by a constant chatter in my left ear formed of equal parts condemnation and desire to save my soul. I have this vision of the proverbial Angel and Devil sitting on my shoulders whispering in my ears. The one on my left looks suspiciously like a 30-something year old woman who is really shouty. But is she the Angel or the Devil? So who is the Devil of the Tarot and what does it mean? What is it about the image of the Devil that makes some of us want to run in fear, recoil in terror at the name or simply roll our eyes? Can you sit with that for a moment? What are the thoughts that show up for you? The Robin Wood Tarot deck has the least “Devil like” image out of all my 20+ decks. The visual forgoes the horns, goatee and cloven hoofs of the traditional stereotype. The focus of the card is not about the Devil itself but the temptation so often associated with him. Instead the card shows a long, dark tunnel with the promise of blue sky, greenery, life and light at the end. Two figures (one male and one female) naked in their desperation cling to a large treasure chest secured with heavy linked chain. Both reaching outward while frantically pulling on the chest, feeding the illusion of being trapped. Neither willing to release that which holds them rooted in place. All they want is to flee. Or do they? When The Devil shows up in a reading I am always compelled to ask “What illusions are you working with? What are you holding onto that is keeping you from moving forward?” It is an opportunity to take a good look at what we are clinging to in lieu of stepping fully into our lives. It is an opportunity to seek information about the material ideology and items we invite into our lives. Can you identify the things and ideas that seduce you into thinking you need them when in fact you don’t? For example; Those things that lull us into false security and complacency. The bad relationship with a friend, lover or family member that is 80% toxic but 20%….Oh but that 20% is so damn good it keeps you coming back. The wistful sigh of “When I win the lottery I’m going to….” Instead of making a plan and budgeting to make it reality. What illusions have you adopted that now inform the decisions you make and how you engage (or not) with your own life? For me, the Devil card, much like the Death card, represents an ally. The Devil is that friend with a twinkle of mischief in thier eye (but always has your back) offering sound advice or a warning not to drift into the mist of temptation or disconnection for too long. The Devil smirks knowingly and says “All is not what it seems. Look deeper!” The Santa Anas tempt me with the sweet whisper “It’s not Winter love...It’s Summer” as it sweeps my hair to the side, kisses down my neck and across my shoulders. Seducing me into throwing my coat back in the closet, exchanging it for the barely-there dress and sandals. I escape back into the feeling of those carefree days of heat and long nights. The winds pull me away from Nature’s call to rest, recharge and recoup in the cycle of Winter. And as I run towards the crashing waves of the Pacific, the full moon shining on the water, the sand between my toes and the warm wind caressing me, I believe it to be true. On a gasp, the breath is sucked in then explodes from my lungs... like a punch in the gut. The icy, Winter sea hits me, stripping away all illusion...damn if I don’t hear the Devil chuckle and say “Told you so...” 11/24/2016 2 Comments Thanksgiving |
RavenStar Pathwalker#Seeker, #Magick Worker, #Talisman Maker, #Spell Caster, #TarotReader, #LifeCoach #Jewellery Designer Archives
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